Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

Allergic rhinitis, the inflammation of the nasal passages caused by allergens, can cause intermittent nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, throat irritation, and post nasal drip. Allergies may also cause increased ear pressure, cough, fatigue and irritability. The last two symptoms are often from the sleep disruption triggered by untreated allergies. Asthma and increased sinus infections are other possible consequence of neglecting environmental controls and medications for allergies.

Seasonal allergies usually worsen with an increase in pollen, often starting in spring. Hay fever is caused by weed pollen and usually starts late in summer. Perennial allergies produce the typical nasal congestion and runny nose year-round because they are caused by such things as pet dander, mold, or dust mites rather than pollen. Not all cases of nasal congestion and runny nose (rhinorrhea) are caused by allergies. As people age, the incidence of allergy diminishes.

It is important to also eliminate exposure to the specific allergens that are allergens for an individual. That can be done by:

  • Follow the pollen counts and when they are high, stay indoors 5 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  • Shower before bedtime if you’ve been outside much
  • Use an over-the-counter saline nasal spray daily and after you’ve been outside, to physically wash out allergens and help clear congestion
  • Avoid opening your windows – air conditioning is better for avoiding pollen
  • Vacuum regularly (but don’t use a bagless vacuum)
  • Mow your lawn regularly (but use a mask and wear sunglasses)

If environmental measures aren’t enough, nasal steroids are preferred for persistent allergy symptoms. They may take up to two weeks for maximum effect. Aim the tip away from your nasal septum (tissue between nostrils). Antihistamines are better for intermittent symptoms and can be taken only as needed, including before an anticipated allergy exposure. They start to work in an hour. Antihistamines do not help with nasal congestion.  The older antihistamines all cause drowsiness. 10% of those taking the antihistamine cetirizine develop significant drowsiness and should avoid driving and other things requiring alertness.


“Respiratory and Allergy (medications).” Prescriber’s Letter, April, 2020.

deShazo, Dr. R., and Kemp, Dr. S. Allergic Rhinitis:  Clinical manifestations, epidemiology, and management. UpToDate, article last updated January 20, 2020.

Levine, H. “How to Ease Seasonal Allergy Symptoms.” Consumer Reports, last updated:  March 17, 2019

Wadyka, S. “Is it an Allergy or Something Else?” Consumer Reports, February 9, 2020.

Water need and when to drink it

Water – Need each day and When to drink it

Clean water is widely available in most developed countries, yet many suffer frequent, mild dehydration. Subtle symptoms include headache, thirst, fatigue, heartburn, joint pain, feeling down, irritability and problems concentrating (Colbert, 2009). If it progresses, there is usually dry mouth, dark yellow urine, and decreased urine production. If severe, there may be confusion, warm, dry skin and increased temperature (Anding, 2009).

Water is needed for proper brain, joint and muscle functioning, as well as normal blood flow. It is needed for temperature regulation, transporting nutrients and oxygen, and getting rid of wastes (Colbert, 2009). The body loses about 2 quarts (2 liters) of water a day, about half in urine and stool, another 25% each through the skin and the lungs. How much water to people need each day? The standard has long been 8 cups with 8 ounces per day (2 liters) but many things affect an individual’s need for water (McCaffery, 2018).

  • Heat and activity increase the amount of water lost through breathing and sweating
  • A diet high in salt or protein increase the need as more is needed to get rid of the excess
  • Alcohol increases water loss as do energy drinks and sugar
  • Medications such as diuretics increase water loss
  • Those over age 65 usually drink less due to a decreased ability to sense thirst. They also have a decreased ability to concentrate urine (hold onto more water) as needed (Dow, 2018)
  • Those with heart failure or decreased kidney function usually need to cut back on their fluid intake and their health care provider determines how much
  • In a cold environment the humidity is lower and that to is dehydrating (Anding, 2009)
  • Caffeine is slightly dehydrating, less so with consistent use

It is possible to drink to much water. That can dilute the sodium level in the blood and impair brain function (Anding, 2009). If your urine is clear, chances are you have had enough.

Optimal water consumption (versus dehydration) is associated with improved healing as well as a more positive mood, better attention, memory, and reaction time. It may also decrease stroke risk (Mulcahy, 2017).

It is better to drink water between meals. Having it with meals can interfere with proper digestion (Colbert, 2009). Drinking plenty of water between meals has another benefit:  a research study found that it may decrease calorie intake by about 200 calories a day (Laliberte and Tigar, 2017.


Anding, R. Nutrition Made Clear. The Teaching Company, 2009

Colbert, Dr. Don. Eat this and Live. Lake Mary, FL:  Siloam, 2009

Dow, C. “Bodies of Water.” Nutrition Action Newsletter, Sept. 2018.

Laliberte, M., and Tigar, L. “Water – to Your Health!” Reader’s Digest, Sept, 2017

McCaffery, J. “5 Myths about Water.” Prevention, March, 2018

Mulcahy, L. “7 Reasons to Drink More Water.” Family Circle, June, 2017